Choosing The Purrfect Furniture For Your Feline Friend
Kitties are great at making themselves at home, no matter where home is. Fluffy isn’t…
Have you noticed that your animal friend is itching more often lately? If Fluffy or Fido only scratches themselves occasionally, you probably don’t need to be too worried. Everybody gets itchy every now and then! On the other hand, if the itching continues or gets worse, it can indicate a more serious issue. In this piece, a local Easley, SC veterinarian discusses itching in pets, and gives you some ideas on how to make your furry friend feel better.
The first thing you need to do is figure out why your pet is itching. There are a number of options, such as parasites, like fleas, ticks, and mites, allergies, dry skin, fungal infections; bacterial infections; harsh shampoos; and skin problems. Itching can also be caused by things like hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues, or exposure to outdoor irritants like poison ivy. To learn more about how poison ivy can affect your pets, read our article on Poison Ivy and Pets.
Some of these problems, like using the wrong shampoo, are easy to fix, but others, like bacterial infections, require professional treatment. That may require different medicines, such as steroids or antihistamines.
However, it’s important to know exactly what the problem is so that it can be fixed properly. Making an appointment with your vet is definitely your best bet here, as you’ll need to find out what the issue is before you can properly address it. For comprehensive support in managing your pet’s allergies and skin issues, consider our specialized pet allergies & vet dermatology services.
We can’t overstate the importance of keeping up with parasite control! This can not only protect your pet from the itchies, but will also help prevent many dangerous diseases, some of which can also infect people. Ask your vet for specific advice on this.
It can take work to get rid of fleas or mites, as you’ll have to break the life cycle.
Vacuuming can be very helpful here. Make it a habit to clean every day for a while. When you’re done, empty the canister into a plastic bag, seal it, and take it outside to throw it away.
Once the emergency is over, just quickly run over high-traffic spots every day. Do the whole place about once a week.
Even if you don’t have fleas, it’s still a good idea to vacuum often, as this also helps remove odors, dust, pollen, dander, and fur from your rugs.
Our animal buddies all have unique grooming requirements. It’s important to remove dead fur and dander from your pet’s coat. If not, not only could your companion develop itchy skin, but they will also be less protected from extreme heat and cold.
This is also something to keep up with if you have a senior cat. Older cats often have trouble grooming themselves, as they can’t bend or stretch very well. That makes it hard for them to reach their whole bodies.
What your pet eats affects all aspects of their health, even how their skin and fur look. For instance, foods with Omegas 3 and 6 oils, which are fatty acids, may be good for dogs and cats because they can help keep their fur and skin healthy. Ask your vet for advice.
Does your dog have allergies? Fido will get dust and pollen on his paws and belly when he goes outside. Keep pet wipes near the door, and wipe your canine buddy off before you bring him inside. You can also use a spray bottle full of water and clean rags.
Of course, you might also need to make the process more appealing to your pooch. Teach Fido that he’ll get a tasty treat after.
This one is also great for people with allergies. Keep an eye on the amounts, especially in the spring and fall, when pollen counts are high. When levels are elevated, limit your furry pal’s outdoor time.
Dry air can also dry out pets’ skin. You might need to get a humidifier.
When cats go outside, they are much more likely to get fleas, ticks, or mites. They are also susceptible to chemical exposure and insect bites. Plus, Fluffy will be safer as an indoor kitty!
Have you recently changed your pet’s food, litter, shampoo, or bedding? You may want to try going back to the old brand again, or switching to something milder. Ask your vet for advice on this.
It can be very helpful to just watch your pet. For instance, your furry pal might have an ear infection if they are continuously pawing their ears or rubbing their head against something. Tell your vet about anything unusual you notice.
Wash your pet’s blankets and bedding often. Look at the label on the bedding to find special care instructions. If you can, wash it with hot water and an unscented detergent, and then dry well.
It will also help to dust and clean your home regularly and change your air filters out regularly.
The big one here is giving your pet medicine without first getting permission from your vet. Not all medicines are safe for our pet friends. Some medicines can be very bad for them, and a few can even be deadly! We really can’t over stress how important this is.
Doubling up on parasite control would also be a big no-no. Ask your Easley, SC veterinarian for more information.
You might also need to take care of your yard, especially if there are fleas or ticks in your area. These unwanted guests can still find a way in, even if you keep up with your pet’s preventative care, especially as the time for your furry pal’s next dose approaches.
Here are some ideas for that:
Did you know that pets can also be itchy because they are bored or anxious? For example, cats that are stressed out tend to clean themselves too much or too little, which makes their fur look messy and untidy. Give your pet lots of toys and a soft place to sleep, and spend time with them every day.
When taking care of pets, a little extra care can save a lot of heartache. Make sure your pet friend goes to the vet often!
In Conclusion: Itching can make pets very uncomfortable. If your furry bestie seems itchy, contact your vet right away. You’ll need to figure out what is making your pet itch before you can address the issue.
Has your animal companion been itching? Feel free to contact us at your Easley, SC animal hospital, at any time! We are dedicated to offering great care!
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