Microchipping Pets: Essential Information
May is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of pet microchipping. If you haven’t…
Heartworm preventatives are one of the most crucial elements of your pet’s wellness care system. These dangerous worms reside in dogs’ hearts and lungs, and can be fatal if untreated. A local vet offers some insight into this dangerous parasite below.
Heartworms pose a widespread risk, flourishing wherever mosquitoes are prevalent. Cases are reported across North America, leaving Fido vulnerable across the US and Canada. States with the highest incidences typically experience hot, wet climates. Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and others emerge as prominent areas due to these environmental conditions.
Heartworms can afflict dogs of any breed and at any life stage. Pups with thin fur may face a slightly higher risk as mosquitoes find them easier to bite. Yet, longhaired dogs aren’t safe either; even fluffy breeds remain vulnerable to heartworms.
Heartworms aren’t transmitted directly from dog to dog; mosquitoes are the carriers. Mosquitoes pick up heartworm larvae, termed microfilariae, from infected dogs via bites. When they bite another pup, they inject the heartworms into the bloodstream, where they mature and start reproducing. More than 70 mosquito species are capable of transmitting heartworms. Worms reach adult size and begin to multiply within roughly 6 to 7 months.
Yes, but those treatment options can hit the wallet hard and be tough on poor Fido. During treatment, it’s crucial to strictly limit your pet’s activities to prevent heart strain. This usually means short walks and no vigorous play, which can be disappointing for the pup. In severe cases, kenneled confinement may be necessary for recovery. Serious infestations may call for surgery, which can be quite expensive.
The symptoms of heartworm infestations can differ among dogs and may not become apparent until the worms mature, typically about six months after infection.
Pay attention to these clues:
Over time, more severe symptoms may emerge. These could involve fainting, staggering, and even heart attacks. Unfortunately, sudden death could also result.
Yes, cats can get heartworms, though it’s not as frequent because feline bodies aren’t as conducive to the worms as canine ones are. Nonetheless, it’s essential to recognize the potential risk to Fluffy, as even one worm can result in permanent organ damage and even death. Keep up with your feline companion’s preventive care!
Regular preventive care for Fido is crucial. Furthermore, you can employ tactics to keep mosquitoes at bay. Utilizing mosquito-repelling candles or torches in outdoor areas can be effective. Keeping your pet’s bedding clean and dry can help prevent mosquito breeding as well.
Before restarting preventative care, make sure your four-legged friend undergoes another round of testing. This is crucial because preventive products aren’t effective against existing worms. Seek advice from your Easley, SC veterinarian.
Although annual heartworm tests are usually sufficient, some dogs may need more frequent screenings. Certain dogs are at higher risk. For instance, spending time around other dogs increases your pet’s exposure. Interestingly, heartworm transmission can occur through mosquitoes without direct contact with an infected dog.
Yes, unfortunately, heartworm prevalence is on the rise. Similar to antibiotic resistance, certain heartworms are developing resistance to preventative medications. Additionally, the increased adoption and transportation of dogs across regions have contributed to the escalating numbers. After Hurricane Katrina, many individuals adopted dogs from the South. This unfortunately resulted in infected pups being moved to other areas, further contributing to the spread of heartworms.
Be consistent with your dog’s preventive care routine and watch for any symptoms. If you observe anything out of the ordinary, contact your Easley, SC veterinary clinic for guidance.
Does your dog need a refill on heartworm medication? Has Fido missed a vet visit? Feel free to contact us, your Easley, SC pet hospital, for assistance at any time.
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