Bonding With A Rabbit
Are you considering adopting a bunny in the near future? Floppy is a very cute…
Are you thinking of adopting a Guinea pig? These adorable little pets are far more popular than many people know. In fact, Guinea pigs—also known as cavies—are the third most popular pet in many areas. That’s not unexpected given all of these guys’ wonderful characteristics. They’re adorable, clean, entertaining, friendly, and relatively easy to care for. A local Easley, SC veterinarian shares some advice on cavey care below.
Guinea pigs are relatively simple to care for, although they do require some attention every day. While you will not need to walk or train your pet, you will need to offer fresh food and water daily. Waste and uneaten food must be removed on a daily basis, which should not take long. You’ll also need to provide your pet with a comfortable environment and plenty of toys, and keep an eye out for signs of disease or injury.
Because your cavy will spend so much time in his cage, keeping it clean and comfortable is critical. Purchasing the cage and assembling it should only happen once, therefore it’s critical to get everything properly.
Here are some pointers for that:
Size: The size of your cavies is determined by their number. For starters, you’ll need a cage measuring at least 7.5 square feet. Of course, bigger is better. Additional cavies will require additional cage space.
Material: The material is also crucial. Avoid cages that have a wire or mesh floor. These can not hold substrate and can cause paw and tail injuries.
Substrate: For the substrate, we recommend aspen or paper-based materials. You can also choose a fleece blanket. Avoid using substrates made from pine, cedar, or other hard woods. Because of the oils in them, they can cause respiratory problems in tiny pets and should be considered toxic.
Accessories: No house is complete without furniture. You should start by getting your pets a good hide. Guinea pigs, like everyone else, require a quiet spot to go when they need to unwind. You can have some fun with this. A lovely planter, a little igloo, or a pet tent are all good possibilities. Your small pet will also need a water bottle, bowls, and toys. A litterbox is optional but can be quite useful.
Ask your veterinarian for specialized advice on caring for your new pets.
Like any other pet, Guinea pigs have specific dietary needs. Let’s begin with the basics.
Provide Timothy hay for your pet. This is essential for your pet’s dental health and digestion. To prevent mold growth, store the hay in a clean, dry environment.
Cavies can also eat pellets as their main meals, which really should be breakfast and dinner. Consult your veterinarian for precise guidance on portion sizes and serving times.
Finally, we have produce. You’ll need to supplement your pet’s diet with fresh, safe fruits and vegetables. This is when things could become a little complicated. You’ll need to be sure to stick with safe foods.
Here are some options:
Some things are only safe occasionally. For example, eating too much broccoli may cause your pet to become gassy. Other things that should only be served on occasion include bananas, beet greens, cherries, eggplant, mandarin, kumquat, peppermint, tomato, kiwi, radishes, and spinach.
Always remove the seeds, pips, and thick rinds from fruits and vegetables. Additionally, you should properly wash or rinse fruit. Never give your pet anything without first conducting study to ensure its safety. Consult your veterinarian for particular recommendations.
It is also critical to understand what isn’t safe. Some may simply produce a minor stomach upset, while others might have major consequences! Always proceed with caution. As the adage goes, “If in doubt, leave it out.”
Here are some foods to avoid:
Ask your vet for specific information.
One important aspect of Guinea pig diets is that these animals must have Vitamin C. Otherwise, they may contract scurvy or other ailments. Your veterinarian may recommend a supplement or chewable tablets for your pet. You’ll also want to incorporate lots in your pet’s food. Romaine lettuce and delicious green or yellow peppers are excellent sources.
Ask your Easley, SC vet for specific advice.
Guinea pigs have open-rooted teeth that will always continue to grow. In the wild, those tiny choppers get worn down by roots and strong vegetation. Pets enjoy softer foods, so provide your furry friend with plenty of chew toys to keep him entertained.
you don’t have to spend a fortune on pet toys. Guinea pig toys can be made from a variety of materials, including paper, cardboard, and wicker. You can also provide some basic wood products, like children’s blocks. There’s absolutely no limit to the cute ideas you can find online.
Just put your pet’s safety first. Avoid anything that is small or sharp. Items with dangling ropes or cords are also dangerous.
Consult your veterinarian for more information on safe and dangerous toys.
Chew toys are not the only game in town. Cavies are delightful pets. They like playing with their humans and can even learn some adorable skills. Mazes are popular with tiny dogs and can be easily made from cardboard boxes, PVC pipe, or paper mache. Just make sure you utilize only safe stuff.
This is not only unnecessary, but it may also have negative consequences. That cage cover will block airflow, making your cavey cage humid and stagnant. This could result in respiratory problems and possibly breeding troubles. Only cover one if your vet suggests it.
Have you got any questions concerning Guinea Pig care? Please feel free to contact us today. As your Easley, SC pet hospital, we are delighted to meet all of your pet’s veterinary requirements.
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