Do Lunch With Your Dog Day
Today may be one of Fido’s favorite doggy holidays: it’s Do Lunch With Your Dog…
April 6th is National Siamese Cat Day! Known for being charismatic and talkative, these cute cats have some very loyal fans. A vet lists some fun facts about these remarkable felines below.
The name Siamese cat translates to wichien-matt which means “moon diamond.” That’s a purrfect moniker for these pretty cats!
Siamese cats originated in Thailand, which was once known as Siam. Some stories say that they were first raised by Buddhist monks. Other tales say that the first Siamese cats were adopted by royalty. There is some documentation of this: records of them being adopted by royals go far back as 1350. They were also depicted in the Tamra Maew (The Cat Book Poems) which was produced between the 14th and 18th centuries.
Siamese cats traditionally had crossed eyes. According to legend, a Siamese cat was given the duty of guarding a king’s goblet. Fluffy held onto it so hard that her tail bent and her eyes crossed!
Siamese cats have a very distinctive look, with dark tips on their paws, ears, and tails. Those tips are actually climate-controlled. The gene that causes this color results in cats having pale fur on the warmer parts of their bodies and dark fur on the cooler spots. This same gene is also responsible for Fluffy’s blue eyes.
Siamese cats are born white. Those tips appear when they are several weeks old. Although the classic Siamese tips were dark, today breeders also allow blue, chocolate, and lilac.
Back in the 1960s, two Siamese cats actually revealed an espionage plot. The cats lived at the Dutch Embassy in Russia. When they started arching their backs and clawing at a wall, the ambassador suspected that something was up. Further investigation revealed over two dozen hidden microphones behind the wall! We hope the cats got lots of tuna and catnip.
Siamese cats get very attached to their human servants, and absolutely hate being left alone. For this reason, many breeders recommend having at least one other kitty in the house.
Siamese cats are extremely intelligent. They can learn simple tricks, enjoy playing Fetch, and often like walking on leashes. They’re also notorious escape artists that hate being confined.
Please contact us, your vet clinic, Easley, SC, anytime. We’re here to help!
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