Cute Bunny Facts
Rabbits may seem like simple, fluffy companions, but beneath their adorable exterior lies an array…
The summer is heating up, and so are our pets. But how do cats keep cool in hot weather? Read on as a vet offers a few good tips for keeping your feline friend safe and comfortable during the sweltering months of summer.
Summer is a great time to spend outside. Your cat probably loves the sun and warmth just as much as you do. But there are also some dangers that you need to be aware of when your pet is outside in the summer heat.
Cats can develop skin problems in response to hot weather, especially if they are getting wet and then drying off too quickly. This is more likely to happen if they spend a lot of time outdoors, but it can also happen indoors if there is humidity or a lack of air conditioning in your home. Heat waves can also bring out allergies in cats, making them itchy and irritable during the peak heat of summer.
Cats that are left outside for long periods without access to shade or water are vulnerable to heat stroke during hot weather. If your cat spends most of its time outdoors, you should check on it regularly when temperatures reach 95 degrees Fahrenheit or higher (36 Celsius). Make sure that there is plenty of shade available for it to seek out if needed, and provide water at all times so that it doesn’t get dehydrated while playing outside in the heat
If you have more questions or wish to schedule Fluffy for a checkup, please feel free to call us, your local animal clinic in Easley, SC today!
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