Considering Pet Insurance
You have insurance for your home, your car, your health… did you know that there is also insurance available for your pet? In this article, you’ll learn about some of the basics of pet insurance, helping you to decide if…
You have insurance for your home, your car, your health… did you know that there is also insurance available for your pet? In this article, you’ll learn about some of the basics of pet insurance, helping you to decide if…
Did you play any April Fools’ Day jokes on your dog this month? While you don’t want to go overboard when pranking Fido, it can also be fun to play a little joke on your four-legged friend now and then….
Watching a cat play can be very cute and fun. Our feline friends are definitely quite frisky! Fluffy’s idea of play doesn’t always sync up with ours, however. Cats are predators, and play fighting stimulates their natural hunting instincts. This…
Have you ever wondered how life would change if your furry friends suddenly sprouted opposable thumbs? Welcome to National If Pets Had Thumbs Day, a whimsical celebration observed every March 3rd that invites us to imagine the possibilities. This lighthearted…
You’re ready to turn your home into a multi-species household. Tomorrow, you’ll bring home Lucy, a friendly four-year-old retriever mix who charmed your socks off at the animal shelter. You know your human family members will gravitate to this easygoing…
You’re becoming an expert at saving money. You’ve found ways to save on groceries, insurance and other services, and cable and mobile phone bills. Now you’ve turned your attention to saving money on pet care. Although your five-year-old cocker spaniel…
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