Caring For Your Pet as They Age
While the exact age that your pet is considered “old” can vary depending on species, size, and breed, one thing is for sure: our animal companions need our love and care as they get older! As your pet enters their…
While the exact age that your pet is considered “old” can vary depending on species, size, and breed, one thing is for sure: our animal companions need our love and care as they get older! As your pet enters their…
Did you know there’s a cute kitty holiday coming up? You may know of May 5th as Cinco de Mayo. The official holiday commemorates Mexico’s victory over Napoleon during the Battle of Puebla, which took place on May 5, 1862….
One very important part of dog ownership is making sure your dog stays up to date on his vaccinations. This is actually required by law in many places, and with good reason. Vaccinations help build your pup’s immune system, protecting…
Proper nutrition is a must for any healthy pet. Modern pet foods are specially formulated to give great nutrition to your companion, and there are plenty of options out there. However, not all pet foods are created equal, and safety…
Have you ever seen a curly-haired cat? While most of our feline pals have straight fur, there are some curly kitties out there, including the less commonly known Ukrainian Levkoy. To learn more about this intriguing breed, check out our…
Human patients commonly use antibiotics to treat bacterial infections. Did you know that antibiotics are also very commonly prescribed to pets? They’re essential for helping pets with infections make full recoveries! Here’s everything you need to know about antibiotics for…
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