Fun Ideas for Celebrating Your Dog’s Birthday
Is your dog’s birthday coming up soon? If you got your dog from a breeder or a friend with puppies, you may know the exact date your pet was born. If you adopted your dog from a shelter, you can…
Is your dog’s birthday coming up soon? If you got your dog from a breeder or a friend with puppies, you may know the exact date your pet was born. If you adopted your dog from a shelter, you can…
Has your pet been microchipped yet? If not, we highly recommend that you prioritize getting this done as soon as possible. The microchip, despite its small size, can greatly improve your pet’s quality of life. In this article, a veterinarian…
With their boundless energy and love of play, dogs make for incredibly entertaining companions. Fido is absolutely adorable when he brings you his favorite toy! Indulge these adorable requests for playtime! Making sure your beloved pet receives both mental and…
We have some breaking mews for you to share. There’s a new kitty in town. The Salty Licorice Cat is wearing a stunning coat that is definitely in fashion. These cute kitties look like tuxies, except their fur is usually…
Approximately 4.5 million people in the U.S. experience dog bites each year. It’s possible that the estimate is actually low, since not all bites are reported. Although a majority of these bites are not severe, around 800,000 require medical attention,…
May is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of pet microchipping. If you haven’t done so already, we highly recommend getting your pet chipped as soon as possible. Here, a local Easley, SC veterinarian offers helpful advice on microchipping…
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