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Craft for Your Local Shelters Day

Do you like making things? Are you an animal lover? If the answer to both of those questions is yes, then put a pawprint on your calendar for July 21st. It’s National Craft for Your Local Shelters Day! This is…

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How Your Dog Cools Himself Down

The human body cools itself down during hot weather or vigorous exercise using one method: sweating. As the sweat on your skin evaporates, it cools you down. But your dog, of course, is covered in fur. So how do our…

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National Garfield Day

June 19th is National Garfield Day! This grumpy orange feline has won the hearts of millions with his sarcastic, unimpressed ‘purrsonality.’ A vet discusses this lasagna-loving furball below. History Were you wondering why June 19th is National Garfield Day? It’s…

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You Can Catch These Diseases From Your Dog

As you know, your dog is susceptible to various diseases and infections. Have you ever wondered whether or not you could potentially catch any of those illnesses from your pooch? It’s a scary thought. And it’s true—it is possible for…

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Preventing Lyme Disease in Dogs

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month! Lyme disease is a serious disease that can afflict both people and pets. As you may know, the disease is spread through ticks, which are unfortunately spreading throughout North America. Left untreated, Lyme disease…

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